A short documentary following nine-year-old Jiarui Lv and 13-year-old Yue Zhao as they train six days per week at the Shenyang International Arts School in Shenyang, China in the hope of becoming professional acrobats.
I shot and edited this film over the course of six days as part of the Looking China emerging filmmakers’ initiative. Run by the Academy for International Communication of Chinese Culture (AICCC), Beijing Normal University and Huilin Foundation, the Looking China programme selects 100 students annually from around the world to travel China to make a film.
‘Glory for Me’ won two of the seven Looking China Golden Lens awards for the 2015 year — the Best Artistic Presentation prize and an award for second place overall. It subsequently aired on Chinese national TV station CCTV in mid-2015.
Directer, cinematographer and editor | Marleena Forward
Camera | Canon 7D
Duration | 10:00